The Secrets Of Getting More Done In Less Time

I meet a lot of people in my job and I find that a key contributing factor in the most successful people is their productivity. They manage to achieve more in their given week than most and it is down to how they use their time to be at their most effective.

This led me to research what are some of the best ideas out there on being productive.

In work, I see a lot of people who lack the focus to stick at one thing, be it sticking to a target market for their services, not being a slave to their emails or having too many projects on at once. The end result is that something suffers and you end up not being very productive. Focus on one thing at a time to the exclusive of other projects, tasks or ideas and see out that one thing. It doesn’t mean to only do one thing, but to do the most important thing first for a set time-frame.


I attended a training course a few years ago as part of being a coach for The Entrepreneurs Business Academy that had Richard Denny presenting. The key thing I learned that day was a very important lesson from Richard and the concept was the double priority list. Complete a to-do list and then do the most important thing you have to do today straight away. Once that is complete, then re-examine your priority list and again do the most important thing straight away.

Lesson Number 2: BATCHING.

I have recently finished reading the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and coming back to the theme of productivity, I have really focused on one of his tips on how to be productive on your email usage – batching. Batching is when you store up a series of tasks, activities or projects for a specific time and only do that task in the given time-frame. It allows you to concentrate on the most important thing you need to do in the day, and I have managed to reduce the amount of time I spend jumping between tasks.


The end result of being so focused on what I do has allowed me the time and space to spend more time with my wife and young daughter. I am getting the same amount done as I would normally would, but with a reduced effort.

Michael Crowe